Hymn # | 詩歌歌名 | English Hymn Title | Date Modified |
001 |
Glory to God in the Highest
2011-11-23-03:27:38 |
002 |
聖哉 聖哉 聖哉
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
2013-05-12-14:46:02 |
003 |
2011-11-23-03:27:56 |
004 |
當讚美聖父 |
Praise Ye the Father |
2020-09-06-16:42:33 |
005 |
Come, Thou Almighty King
2011-11-23-22:22:58 |
006 |
How Excellent Is Thy Name
2011-11-23-03:28:37 |
007 |
偉大的神 |
How Great Thou Art |
2020-06-07-13:47:37 |
008 |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
2011-11-23-03:29:41 |
009 |
Joyful, Joyful, We adore Thee
2018-04-30-00:57:30 |
010 |
主手所造萬象生靈 |
All Creatures Of Our God And King |
2021-08-22-03:01:45 |
011 |
The Spacious Firmament on High
2011-11-23-03:57:01 |
012 |
This is my father’s world
2011-11-23-03:57:23 |
013 |
2011-11-23-03:57:43 |
014 |
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
2011-11-23-03:58:00 |
015 |
My God, How Wonderful You Are
2011-11-23-03:59:19 |
016 |
Blessing And Honor
2011-11-23-03:59:39 |
017 |
We Are Never, Never Weary
2011-11-23-04:00:00 |
018 |
神聖之愛,遠超眾愛 |
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling |
2020-06-14-17:03:50 |
019 |
Souls of Men, Why Will Ye Scatter
2011-11-23-04:00:39 |
020 |
The love of God
2011-11-23-04:00:58 |
021 |
Father, ’twas Thy Love That Knew Us
2011-11-23-22:23:55 |
022 |
I Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord
2012-01-15-17:07:48 |
023 |
What Was It, Blessed God
2011-11-23-22:24:27 |
024 |
O God, Within the Holy Place
2011-11-23-22:24:44 |
025 |
No Blood, No Altar Now
2011-11-23-22:24:58 |
026 |
哦,神,是你召我們 |
By Thee, O God, Invited |
2020-12-20-14:35:23 |
027 |
Why Should I Worry, Doubt and Fear?
2011-11-24-00:43:26 |
028 |
Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
2011-11-24-00:43:41 |
029 |
The Solid Rock
2011-11-24-00:43:56 |
030 |
We Hear The Words Of Love
2011-11-24-00:44:11 |
031 |
A Mind At Perfect Peace
2011-11-24-00:45:04 |
032 |
Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven
2011-11-24-00:45:21 |
033 |
To God Be The Glory
2011-11-24-00:45:36 |
034 |
Unto The Hills Around
2011-11-24-00:45:55 |
035 |
We Praise Thee O God
2011-11-24-00:46:09 |
036 |
Eternal Light
2011-11-24-00:46:45 |
037 |
The God Of Abraham Praise
2011-11-24-00:47:01 |
038 |
Abba, Father! We Adore Thee
2011-11-24-00:47:15 |
039 |
“阿爸,父阿,”我們現在 |
Abba, Father, We Approach Thee |
2021-12-27-22:09:22 |
040 |
Father, Thy Name Our Souls Would Bless
2011-11-24-00:47:46 |
041 |
Father, To Thee A Joyful Song We Raise
2011-11-24-00:49:49 |
042 |
看哪! 父賜何等的愛
Behold! What Manner of Love
2011-11-24-00:50:04 |
043 |
Blest Father, Infinite In Grace
2011-11-24-00:50:19 |
044 |
O God! We See Thee In The Lamb
2011-11-24-00:50:34 |
045 |
Hark! The Glad Sound
2011-11-24-00:50:48 |
046 |
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,
2011-11-24-00:51:41 |
047 |
Joy To The World
2011-11-24-00:51:55 |
048 |
Angels We Have Heard On High
2011-11-24-00:52:09 |
049 |
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
2011-11-24-00:52:24 |
050 |
O Come, All Ye Faithful
2012-12-23-22:06:55 |
051 |
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
2021-12-27-02:12:28 |
052 |
耶穌,我救主,降生馬槽中 |
Jesus, My Saviour, To Bethlehem Came |
2021-12-27-02:17:15 |
053 |
我有一位奇妙救主 |
I Have A Friend Whose Faithful Love |
2021-12-27-02:27:13 |
054 |
Ivory Palaces
2011-11-24-03:09:53 |
055 |
O Lord, When We The Path Retrace
2011-11-24-03:10:11 |
056 |
2011-11-24-03:10:31 |
057 |
2011-11-24-03:10:48 |
058 |
One Day
2011-11-24-03:11:04 |
059 |
O Head Once Full Of Bruises
2011-11-24-03:11:25 |
060 |
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
2011-11-24-03:11:48 |
061 |
Gazing On The Lord In Glory
2011-11-24-08:15:03 |
062 |
It Was Alone The Savior Prayed
2011-11-24-08:15:21 |
063 |
O Solemn Hour
2011-11-24-08:15:45 |
064 |
On Calvary’s Brow
2011-11-24-08:16:05 |
065 |
It Was For Me The Savior Died
2011-11-24-08:16:27 |
066 |
Lord, Thy Love Has Sought And Found Us
2011-11-24-08:17:08 |
067 |
There Is A Green Hill Far Away
2011-11-24-08:17:29 |
068 |
O Teach Me What It Meaneth
2011-11-24-08:17:49 |
069 |
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
2019-03-03-23:38:47 |
070 |
Hallelujah! What A Saviour
2011-11-24-08:18:28 |
071 |
Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed?
2011-11-24-08:21:33 |
072 |
Behold The Lamb of God
2011-11-24-08:21:54 |
073 |
O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head
2015-10-04-23:36:31 |
074 |
Merciful And Loving
2011-11-24-08:22:31 |
075 |
What A Wonderful Saviour
2011-11-24-08:22:52 |
076 |
Lord, We Treasure With Affection
2015-08-23-16:28:09 |
077 |
永久磐石 |
Rock of Ages |
2011-12-04-15:13:08 |
078 |
近十架 |
Near The Cross |
2011-12-04-15:13:09 |
079 |
古老的十字架 |
The Old Rugged Cross |
2011-12-04-15:13:09 |
080 |
祂去加略 |
All The Way to Calvary He Went For Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:09 |
081 |
主是為我釘十字架 |
For Me The lord Was Crucified |
2011-12-04-15:13:09 |
082 |
在主十架之下 |
Beneath the cross of Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:09 |
083 |
救主藉著永遠的靈 |
It was Through God’s Eternal Spirit |
2011-12-04-15:13:10 |
084 |
祂不能救自己 |
Himself He Could Not Save |
2011-12-04-15:13:10 |
085 |
頌讚聲音何等難得 |
How Pleasant Is The Sound Of Praise |
2011-12-04-15:13:10 |
086 |
無他,只有耶穌寶血 |
Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus |
2020-06-14-16:53:14 |
087 |
你愛所給雖然甚多 |
Of All The Gifts Thy Love Bestows |
2011-12-04-15:13:10 |
088 |
曾否在羔羊血洗清潔 |
Are You Washed In The Blood? |
2011-12-04-15:13:11 |
089 |
我一見這血 |
When I See The Blood |
2011-12-04-15:13:11 |
090 |
有一血泉 |
There is a Fountain Filled with Blood
William Cowper, 1771 Traditional American melody Arranged by Lowell Mason, 1830 |
2022-01-02-18:27:21 |
091 |
權能是在血 |
There is a fountain filled with blood |
2011-12-04-15:13:18 |
092 |
加利利陌生人 |
The Stranger Of Galilee |
2022-01-23-17:24:12 |
093 |
我以信心仰望你 |
My Faith Looks Up To Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:19 |
094 |
九十九隻羊 |
The Ninety And Nine |
2011-12-04-15:13:19 |
095 |
Yesterday, Today, Forever
2018-10-31-03:11:04 |
096 |
恩典—美妙聲音 |
Grace!‘Tis A Charming Sound |
2011-12-04-15:13:19 |
097 |
居榮美之地 |
Dwelling In Beulah Land |
2021-10-31-16:03:19 |
098 |
美哉、善哉,羔羊的新歌 |
Wonderful Grand New Song Of The Lamb |
2011-12-04-15:13:20 |
099 |
Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
2021-03-28-14:29:09 |
100 |
榮耀之釋放 |
Glorious Freedom |
2011-12-04-15:13:20 |
101 |
釋放!榮耀釋放! |
2011-12-04-15:13:20 |
102 |
我今來就主十架 |
I Am Coming To The Cross |
2011-12-04-15:13:21 |
103 |
祂拯救我 |
He Lifted Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:21 |
104 |
主斷開一切鎖鍊 |
Jesus Breaks Every Fetter |
2011-12-04-15:13:21 |
105 |
愛救了我 |
Love Lifted Me |
2021-05-09-15:10:07 |
106 |
哈利路亞十架得勝 |
Hallelujah For The Cross |
2011-12-04-15:13:21 |
107 |
哦,我已得救 |
Oh, Yes! I’m Saved |
2011-12-04-15:13:21 |
108 |
祂起來 |
Christ Arose |
2021-04-25-14:23:22 |
109 |
Thine Is The Glory
2020-04-12-11:38:34 |
110 |
忠心聖徒當高聲 |
Come, Ye Faithful, Raise The Strain |
2011-12-04-15:13:22 |
111 |
救主基督已復活 |
Christ the Lord is Risen Today |
2011-12-04-15:13:22 |
112 |
祂是主 |
He Is Lord |
2011-12-04-15:13:22 |
113 |
哈利路亞,祂已復活 |
Hallelujah, He Is Risen |
2011-12-04-15:13:23 |
114 |
Because He Lives
2020-11-22-15:22:29 |
115 |
主活 |
He Lives |
2015-10-04-23:41:42 |
116 |
眾城門哪,請你頭抬 |
Ye Gates, Lift Up Your Heads |
2011-12-04-15:13:23 |
117 |
看哪!救主奏凱上升 |
See The Conqueror Mount In Triumph |
2011-12-04-15:13:23 |
118 |
歡呼今日主升天 |
Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise |
2011-12-04-15:13:24 |
119 |
看哪!聖徒,榮耀光景 |
Look, Ye Saints! The Sight Is Glorious |
2022-04-16-15:56:38 |
120 |
看哪!冠冕已給羔羊 |
Behold The Lamb With Glory Crowned |
2011-12-04-15:13:24 |
121 |
冠祂 - 萬王之王 |
Crown Him With Many Crowns |
2011-12-04-15:13:24 |
122 |
你比世人更為美麗 |
Thou Art The Fairest |
2011-12-04-15:13:24 |
123 |
Lord, Thou Art Worthy
2012-12-23-22:21:33 |
124 |
從前那戴荊棘的頭 |
Thy Head, Once Crowned With Thorns |
2011-12-04-15:13:25 |
125 |
榮耀歸於我主 |
Glory To God On High |
2011-12-04-15:13:25 |
126 |
但願尊貴、榮耀、豐富 |
Glory, Honour, Praise and Power |
2011-12-04-15:13:25 |
127 |
我們當來同聲歡呼 |
Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs |
2011-12-04-15:13:25 |
128 |
Come, Let Us Sing The Matchless Worth
2021-11-28-03:01:36 |
129 |
羔羊是配 |
Worthy The Lamb |
2020-06-14-16:55:25 |
130 |
何等權柄-耶穌尊名 |
All Hail The Power Of Jesus’Name |
2020-05-31-15:01:35 |
131 |
聽哪 ! 千萬聲音雷鳴
Hark! Ten Thousand Voices Crying
2021-08-16-19:06:49 |
132 |
神的基督 榮耀的主 |
Lord of Glory, We Adore Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:26 |
133 |
金琴在天響起 |
Golden Harps Are Sounding |
2011-12-04-15:13:26 |
134 |
哦,主耶穌,我心喜樂 |
O Jesus, Lord! ‘Tis Joy to Know |
2011-12-04-15:13:26 |
135 |
榮耀、榮耀、永遠榮耀 |
Glory, Everlasting Glory |
2011-12-04-15:13:26 |
136 |
耶穌基督親愛救主 |
To Thee, Dear Lord, O Christ of God |
2011-12-04-15:13:27 |
137 |
主,你是神受膏者 |
Lord, Thou Art God’s Anointed |
2011-12-04-15:13:27 |
138 |
幔子裂開 |
The Veil Is Rent |
2011-12-04-15:13:27 |
139 |
救主耶穌在寶座上 |
Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned |
2011-12-04-15:13:27 |
140 |
神的兒子,親愛救主 |
O Blessed Saviour, Son of God |
2011-12-04-15:13:27 |
141 |
耶穌得勝,歡聲雷動 |
2011-12-04-15:13:27 |
142 |
更美 |
2011-12-04-15:13:28 |
143 |
頌讚受膏的基督 |
Hail To The Lord’s Anointed |
2011-12-04-15:13:28 |
144 |
為我受傷 |
Wounded For Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:28 |
145 |
等到何日恩主纔回來? |
Oh, How Long Before My Lord Comes Back |
2011-12-04-15:13:28 |
146 |
橄欖山前一別離 |
Since Thy Departure |
2011-12-04-15:13:28 |
147 |
主必再來 |
Jesus is Coming Again |
2011-12-04-15:13:29 |
148 |
金色黎明 |
Some Golden Daybreak |
2011-12-04-15:13:29 |
149 |
我主,我正等候你再臨 |
2011-12-04-15:13:29 |
150 |
我知道我救贖主活著 |
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth |
2011-12-04-15:13:29 |
151 |
我王必定快要再臨 |
My King Will Soon Come Back Again |
2011-12-04-15:13:29 |
152 |
一點時候 |
A Little While |
2011-12-04-15:13:29 |
153 |
會否就在今天 |
What If It Were Today? |
2011-12-04-15:13:30 |
154 |
我們的大君彌賽亞 |
2011-12-04-15:13:30 |
155 |
會否祂來正逢我們儆醒? |
Will Jesus Find Us Watching |
2011-12-04-15:13:30 |
156 |
自伯大尼 |
Since Long Ago At Bethany |
2011-12-04-15:13:30 |
157 |
看哪 救主駕雲降臨 |
Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending |
2011-12-04-15:13:30 |
158 |
主耶穌要再來 |
He’s Coming Back Again |
2011-12-04-15:13:31 |
159 |
我能否忘快來的主? |
2011-12-04-15:13:31 |
160 |
這名何等奇妙難言 |
There’s Something About That Name |
2011-12-04-15:13:31 |
161 |
耶穌此名何等芬芳 |
How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds |
2011-12-04-15:13:31 |
162 |
主耶穌,我愛你名 |
Thy Name We Love, Lord Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:31 |
163 |
時常攜帶耶穌聖名 |
Take The Name Of Jesus With You |
2011-12-04-15:13:31 |
164 |
頌讚主尊名 |
Blessed Be The Name |
2011-12-04-15:13:32 |
165 |
耶穌!你名何等芬芳 |
Jesus, How Much Thy Name Unfolds |
2011-12-04-15:13:32 |
166 |
耶穌,這名甜美、芬芳 |
2011-12-04-15:13:32 |
167 |
大地無名甜至如此 |
There Is No Name So Sweet On Earth |
2011-12-04-15:13:32 |
168 |
耶穌!我愛這名 |
Jesus, Thy Name I Love |
2011-12-04-15:13:32 |
169 |
耶穌!這名,何其甘甜 |
The Name Of Jesus Is So Sweet |
2011-12-04-15:13:32 |
170 |
祂名為奇妙 |
His Name Is Wonderful |
2011-12-04-15:13:32 |
171 |
廣,廣似洋無邊 |
Wide, Wide As The Ocean |
2011-12-04-15:13:33 |
172 |
耶穌竟然愛我 |
Jesus Loves Even Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:33 |
173 |
祂來尋覓,滿了柔情 |
In Tenderness He Sought Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:33 |
174 |
神聖的愛,何其美甜 |
O Love Divine, How Sweet Thou Art |
2011-12-04-15:13:33 |
175 |
我們雖然時常搖動 |
2011-12-04-15:13:33 |
176 |
我的救主 |
O Blessed Saviour |
2011-12-04-15:13:33 |
177 |
主愛,口舌真說不來 |
His Love Is More Than Tongue Can Tell |
2011-12-04-15:13:33 |
178 |
你的大愛 |
It Passeth Knowledge |
2011-12-04-15:13:34 |
179 |
何能如此 - 如我也能 |
And Can It Be That I Should Gain |
2021-02-07-15:52:51 |
180 |
主耶穌,當我們想到你 |
Lord Jesus, When We Think of Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:34 |
181 |
你這不肯放我的愛 |
O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go |
2022-05-16-16:14:04 |
182 |
深哉,深哉,耶穌的愛 |
Oh, The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:34 |
183 |
哦,祂的愛 |
O How He Loves |
2011-12-04-15:13:34 |
184 |
我有良友 |
I've Found A Friend |
2011-12-04-15:13:35 |
185 |
Sweeter As the Years Go By
2020-04-05-15:53:08 |
186 |
救主之愛 |
My Saviour’s Love |
2011-12-04-15:13:35 |
187 |
驚人恩典 |
Amazing Grace |
2011-12-04-15:13:35 |
188 |
耶穌已愛我 |
Jesus Has Loved Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:35 |
189 |
我們要從那裡說起 |
Where Shall Our Wondering Souls Begin |
2011-12-04-15:13:35 |
190 |
恩愛標本 |
2011-12-04-15:13:35 |
191 |
我真希奇 |
I Am Amazed |
2011-12-04-15:13:36 |
192 |
我主耶穌,惟你是配 |
Jesus, Thou Alone Art Worthy |
2011-12-04-15:13:36 |
193 |
讚美,不盡讚美 |
Praise Him Forevermore |
2020-08-23-15:28:00 |
194 |
為何我要歌頌耶穌? |
Why Do I Sing About Jesus? |
2011-12-04-15:13:36 |
195 |
來阿 , 你這萬福泉源 |
Come, Thou Fount |
2011-12-04-15:13:36 |
196 |
主替我還清 |
Jesus Paid it All |
2021-04-25-14:17:24 |
197 |
咒詛祂受,祝福我享 |
2011-12-04-15:13:36 |
198 |
我歌頌你 |
I Sing of Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:37 |
199 |
十架下我低頭 |
‘Neath The Cross Of My Savior |
2011-12-04-15:13:37 |
200 |
哦,願我有千萬舌頭 |
Oh, For A Thousand Tongues To Sing |
2011-12-04-15:13:37 |
201 |
主,接納我們的詩歌 |
Lord, Accept Our Feeble Song |
2011-12-04-15:13:37 |
202 |
我們從前所有 |
All That We Were |
2020-06-14-16:47:12 |
203 |
邊唱邊行 |
He Keeps Me Singing |
2011-12-04-15:13:37 |
204 |
主恩更多 |
His Grace Aboundeth More |
2011-12-04-15:13:38 |
205 |
自耶穌來住在我心 |
Since Jesus Came into My Heart |
2011-12-04-15:13:38 |
206 |
耶穌同在就是天堂 |
Where Jesus Is, ’Tis Heaven There |
2011-12-04-15:13:38 |
207 |
我的詩歌是耶穌 |
My Song Shall Be Of Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:38 |
208 |
哈利路亞,我真歡樂 |
Hallelujah, I’ve Been Happy |
2011-12-04-15:13:38 |
209 |
在我心中唱美歌 |
In My Heart There Rings A Melody |
2011-12-04-15:13:39 |
210 |
不再定罪 |
No Condemnation |
2011-12-04-15:13:39 |
211 |
活在哈利路亞這一邊 |
Living On The Hallelujah Side |
2011-12-04-15:13:39 |
212 |
不知如何 |
Somehow |
2011-12-04-15:13:39 |
213 |
諸天下降,主榮耀滿我心 |
Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:13:39 |
214 |
快樂日 |
O Happy Day |
2011-12-04-15:13:39 |
215 |
我真快樂 |
I’m So Happy, and Here’s the Reason |
2011-12-04-15:13:39 |
216 |
永遠不渴 |
Never Thirst Again |
2011-12-04-15:13:40 |
217 |
我魂,醒來,快樂歌唱 |
Awake, My Soul, To Joyful Lays |
2011-12-04-15:13:40 |
218 |
祂是我靈魂的救主 |
He’s The Savior Of My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:13:40 |
219 |
讚祂!讚祂! |
Praise Him!Praise Him! |
2011-12-04-15:13:40 |
220 |
Only A Sinner Saved By Grace
2024-11-28-21:05:13 |
221 |
樂哉,白白恩典 |
Rejoice! His Grace Is Free |
2021-11-20-23:16:25 |
222 |
當我罪中流蕩 |
Jesus Found Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:40 |
223 |
哦,主耶穌,每想到你 |
Lord Jesus Christ, Our Hearts Feel Sweet |
2011-12-04-15:13:41 |
224 |
愛你更深 |
More Love To Thee |
2021-10-18-03:20:03 |
225 |
我耶穌,我愛你 |
My Jesus, I Love Thee |
2020-05-31-14:52:24 |
226 |
思念主愛 |
Thy Love, O Lord |
2011-12-04-15:13:41 |
227 |
耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 |
O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord |
2011-12-04-15:13:41 |
228 |
我愛祂,因祂已先愛我 |
I Love Him, Because He First Loved Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:41 |
229 |
怎能叫我不愛主? |
How Can I Help But Love Him? |
2011-12-04-15:13:42 |
230 |
主阿!我深愛你 |
2011-12-04-15:13:42 |
231 |
我何等愛耶穌 |
O, How I love Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:42 |
232 |
神與我的愛 |
God’s Love And Mine |
2011-12-04-15:13:42 |
233 |
耶穌,你的全勝的愛 |
Jesus, Thine All Victorious Love |
2021-12-27-22:15:10 |
234 |
主,你所有一切工作 |
In All Thy Work, O Lord |
2011-12-04-15:13:42 |
235 |
呼出與吸入 |
Breathing Out And Breathing In |
2022-01-09-03:17:02 |
236 |
聖靈顯現在我衷 |
The Spirit Dwells In Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:43 |
237 |
蒙聖靈的安慰 |
The Comfort Of The Holy Ghost |
2011-12-04-15:13:43 |
238 |
保惠師已經來 |
The Comforter Has Come |
2011-12-04-15:13:43 |
239 |
井阿!請你湧上水來 |
Spring Up, O Well |
2011-12-04-15:13:43 |
240 |
能力從上傾 |
Power From On High |
2011-12-04-15:13:44 |
241 |
給我穿上能力 |
Clothe Us With Power We Pray |
2011-12-04-15:13:44 |
242 |
求溢我杯 |
Fill My Cup, Lord |
2011-12-04-15:13:44 |
243 |
聖靈的愛從天傾瀉 |
Descend On Me, Spirit Of Love |
2011-12-04-15:13:44 |
244 |
求主用血洗我清潔 |
2011-12-04-15:13:44 |
245 |
充滿我 |
Fill Me Now |
2011-12-04-15:13:44 |
246 |
有福的安靜 |
Blessed Quietness |
2011-12-04-15:13:45 |
247 |
聖靈發出祂光芒 |
Holy Ghost, With Light Divine |
2011-12-04-15:13:45 |
248 |
我今舉手向你請 |
Come, Lord, In Thy Spirit Come |
2011-12-04-15:13:45 |
249 |
求主寶血潔淨我 |
Lord, May Thy Blood Now Cleanse Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:45 |
250 |
Bring Your Vessels, Not A Few
2015-07-26-17:40:45 |
251 |
主,我曾否叫聖靈憂愁? |
Oh, Have We Grieved Thee? |
2011-12-04-15:13:45 |
252 |
我神,求你用聖靈再充滿我 |
Spirit of the Living God |
2011-12-04-15:13:45 |
253 |
後是膏油先是血 |
First The Blood, Then Anointing Oil |
2011-12-04-15:13:46 |
254 |
我主,只有你的聖靈 |
Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, Alone |
2011-12-04-15:13:46 |
255 |
焚燒在我心內 |
’Tis Burning In My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:13:46 |
256 |
吩咐磐石 |
Speak To The Rock |
2011-12-04-15:13:46 |
257 |
哦,主耶穌,當你在地 |
Oh, Jesus, Lord, When Thou On Earth |
2011-12-04-15:13:46 |
258 |
你被父神右手高舉 |
Exalted By Thy Father’s Hand |
2011-12-04-15:13:46 |
259 |
進來, 我主 |
Come In, O Come |
2011-12-04-15:13:47 |
260 |
何等慚愧,何等痛悔 |
Oh, the Bitter Shame and Sorrow |
2011-12-04-15:13:47 |
261 |
我豈可再冷淡退後? |
How Can I Ever Stay Away? |
2011-12-04-15:13:47 |
262 |
願更與神親密同行 |
Oh, For A Closer Walk With God |
2011-12-04-15:13:47 |
263 |
主的妙愛 |
2011-12-04-15:13:47 |
264 |
我帶我罪就你 |
I Bring My Sins To Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:47 |
265 |
從前我亦曾熱心 |
2011-12-04-15:13:47 |
266 |
主,是我否? |
2011-12-04-15:13:48 |
267 |
我直跑 |
I Press On |
2011-12-04-15:13:48 |
268 |
我心所追求乃是神自己 |
My Goal Is God Himself |
2011-12-04-15:13:48 |
269 |
進入幔內,出到營外 |
Enter The Veil And Go Without The Camp |
2011-12-04-15:13:48 |
270 |
願你為大 |
Be Thou Supreme, O Jesus Christ |
2011-12-04-15:13:48 |
271 |
神在天上有一寶貝 |
God In Heaven Hath A Treasure |
2011-12-04-15:13:48 |
272 |
我們乃是朝聖旅客 |
Through The Night Of Doubt And Sorrow |
2011-12-04-15:13:48 |
273 |
進深,進深 |
Deeper, Deeper |
2011-12-04-15:13:49 |
274 |
更高之處 |
Higher Ground |
2011-12-04-15:13:49 |
275 |
往前走 |
2011-12-04-15:13:49 |
276 |
主!使我更愛你 |
More Holiness Give Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:49 |
277 |
我願更多認識基督 |
More About Jesus Would I Know |
2011-12-04-15:13:49 |
278 |
但願耶穌的美麗從我顯現 |
Let the Beauty Of Jesus Be Seen In Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:49 |
279 |
多又多 |
More And More |
2011-12-04-15:13:49 |
280 |
主,你榮面是我所羡 |
Thy Blessed Face Is My Desire |
2011-12-04-15:13:50 |
281 |
求主耶穌銘刻我心 |
Jesus! Engrave It On My Heart |
2011-12-04-15:13:50 |
282 |
羞認主名 |
Ashamed of Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:50 |
283 |
要思想耶穌 |
Consider Him |
2011-12-04-15:13:50 |
284 |
神的至好 |
God’s Best |
2011-12-04-15:13:50 |
285 |
我已得佳美信息 |
I’ve Believed The True Report |
2011-12-04-15:13:50 |
286 |
只有一事 |
There Is One Thing |
2011-12-04-15:13:50 |
287 |
比雪更白 |
Whiter Than Snow |
2011-12-04-15:13:51 |
288 |
你這神的隱藏的愛 |
Thou Hidden Love Of God |
2011-12-04-15:13:51 |
289 |
求主把我捆綁 |
Make Me A Captive, Lord |
2011-12-04-15:13:51 |
290 |
我要更像主 |
More Like the Master |
2011-12-04-15:13:51 |
291 |
哦,我要像你 |
O to be like Thee! |
2020-06-14-17:06:31 |
292 |
救主,你的如火眼睛 |
2011-12-04-15:13:52 |
293 |
更深進入聖潔生活 |
Deeper Into The Holy Life |
2011-12-04-15:13:52 |
294 |
耶穌,我來就你 |
Jesus, I Come |
2011-12-04-15:13:52 |
295 |
我今轉身背向俗世 |
I’ve Turned My Back Upon The World |
2011-12-04-15:13:52 |
296 |
榮上加榮 |
From Glory to Glory |
2011-12-04-15:13:52 |
297 |
為你我捨生命 |
I Gave My Life For Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:53 |
298 |
將心給我 |
Give Me Thy Heart |
2011-12-04-15:13:53 |
299 |
我願作合乎祂心意的人 |
Only To Be What He Wants Me To Be |
2011-12-04-15:13:53 |
300 |
我已經決定 |
I Have Decided To Follow Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:53 |
301 |
你的美麗將我心奪 |
Captured By Thy Beauty |
2011-12-04-15:13:53 |
302 |
你的靈豈非與祂會過 |
Hast Thou Heard Him, Seen Him, Known Him? |
2020-06-14-16:59:41 |
303 |
將你最好的獻與主 |
Give Of Your Best To The Master |
2011-12-04-15:13:54 |
304 |
Something for Thee
2021-03-28-14:32:47 |
305 |
我今屬於耶穌 |
I Belong To Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:54 |
306 |
Living For Jesus
2022-05-28-20:34:50 |
307 |
世上景色我已一閱 |
Having Seen The World’s Fair Beauty |
2011-12-04-15:13:54 |
308 |
獻己與主 |
Consecration |
2011-12-04-15:13:54 |
309 |
一切獻於祭壇 |
All on the Altar |
2011-12-04-15:13:55 |
310 |
主你得勝 |
Lord, Thou Hast Won |
2011-12-04-15:13:55 |
311 |
都歸耶穌 |
All For Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:55 |
312 |
全所有奉獻 |
I Surrender All |
2011-12-04-15:13:55 |
313 |
收我此生作奉獻 |
Take My Life, And Let It Be |
2011-12-04-15:13:55 |
314 |
從我活出你的自己 |
Live Out Thy Life Within Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:56 |
315 |
跟從我 |
Follow Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:56 |
316 |
跟隨主耶穌 |
Following Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:13:56 |
317 |
無論何處我要跟隨 |
Where He Leads Me I Will Follow |
2011-12-04-15:13:56 |
318 |
我當如何愛我的主? |
How Shall I Follow Him I Serve? |
2021-11-28-03:01:47 |
319 |
主愛長闊高深 |
What Length, Breadth, Height, And Depth |
2011-12-04-15:13:56 |
320 |
跟隨,跟隨 |
Follow On |
2011-12-04-15:13:56 |
321 |
步步追,步步隨 |
Step By Step |
2011-12-04-15:13:57 |
322 |
耶穌,我今背起十架 |
Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken |
2011-12-04-15:13:57 |
323 |
緊緊跟隨我 |
Follow Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:57 |
324 |
我是否要背負十架? |
Am I A Soldier Of The Cross |
2011-12-04-15:13:57 |
325 |
在我魂間,今天有陽光 |
Sunshine In My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:13:57 |
326 |
谷中的百合花 |
The Lily Of The Valley |
2011-12-04-15:13:58 |
327 |
今主耶穌滿足我心 |
Now None But Christ Can Satisfy |
2011-12-04-15:13:58 |
328 |
當我不見基督容華 |
How Tedious and Tasteless the Hours |
2011-12-04-15:13:58 |
329 |
惟主耶穌沐我心靈 |
All That Thrills My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:13:58 |
330 |
我捨一切而要耶穌 |
I’ll Give My All, Jesus to Gain |
2011-12-04-15:13:58 |
331 |
以愛為旗在我以上 |
His Banner Over Me Is Love |
2011-12-04-15:13:58 |
332 |
我寧願有耶穌 |
I’d Rather Have Jesus |
2022-01-23-17:25:11 |
333 |
祂是一切最親 |
He Is Most Dear To Me |
2011-12-04-15:13:59 |
334 |
耶穌,只要一想到你 |
Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:59 |
335 |
救主耶穌,愛者之樂 |
Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts |
2011-12-04-15:13:59 |
336 |
主,我還有誰在天上? |
Whom Have I, Lord, In Heaven But Thee |
2011-12-04-15:13:59 |
337 |
永遠住在我心 |
Constantly Abiding |
2011-12-04-15:13:59 |
338 |
我是屬祂,祂屬我 |
I Am His, And He Is Mine |
2011-12-04-15:14:00 |
339 |
哦,在榮耀裏的基督 |
Marvel Not That Christ In Glory |
2011-12-04-15:14:00 |
340 |
惟有耶穌 |
Only Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:00 |
341 |
哈利路亞!我尋得祂 |
Hallelujah! I Have Found Him |
2011-12-04-15:14:00 |
342 |
我今屬於主耶穌 |
Now I belong To Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:00 |
343 |
美哉,主耶穌 |
Fairest Lord Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:00 |
344 |
今世福樂沒滅 |
Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joy |
2011-12-04-15:14:00 |
345 |
我已揀選主耶穌 |
2011-12-04-15:14:01 |
346 |
思念主 |
2011-12-04-15:14:01 |
347 |
北風阿,求速興起 |
2011-12-04-15:14:01 |
348 |
你名似膏香 |
Thy Name Is Sweet |
2011-12-04-15:14:01 |
349 |
主阿,在你面前 |
O Thou, In Whose Presence |
2011-12-04-15:14:01 |
350 |
暴風雨中之避難所 |
A Shelter In The Time Of Storm |
2011-12-04-15:14:01 |
351 |
住在主裏面 |
2011-12-04-15:14:02 |
352 |
住在你裏面 |
Abide In Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:02 |
353 |
在至高者的隱密處 |
Within His Secret Place I Hide |
2021-10-22-17:14:40 |
354 |
祂隱藏我魂 |
He Hideth My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:14:02 |
355 |
靠近父神懷中 |
Near To The Heart Of God |
2011-12-04-15:14:02 |
356 |
住在主裏 |
Abiding |
2011-12-04-15:14:02 |
357 |
時常喜樂 |
Let Us Rejoice |
2011-12-04-15:14:03 |
358 |
在祂同在的隱密處 |
In The Secret Of His Presence |
2011-12-04-15:14:03 |
359 |
在祂翼下 |
Under His Wings |
2011-12-04-15:14:03 |
360 |
藏身主裏 |
Hiding In Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:03 |
361 |
進入幔內 |
Within The Veil |
2011-12-04-15:14:03 |
362 |
與我同住 |
Abide With Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:03 |
363 |
主,使我願意 |
Lord, Make Me Willing |
2011-12-04-15:14:04 |
364 |
信而順從 |
Trust and Obey |
2011-12-04-15:14:04 |
365 |
求你揀選我道路 |
Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:04 |
366 |
隨你調度 |
Have Thine Own Way, Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:04 |
367 |
順 從 |
Obedience |
2011-12-04-15:14:04 |
368 |
我為基督而生 |
2011-12-04-15:14:04 |
369 |
壓得太緊 |
Pressed Out of Measure |
2011-12-04-15:14:05 |
370 |
父阿,是的 |
2011-12-04-15:14:05 |
371 |
豈敢 |
How Dare I |
2011-12-04-15:14:05 |
372 |
我若稍微偏離正路 |
If From The Right Course I Depart |
2011-12-04-15:14:06 |
373 |
祂的臉面,祂的天使常看見 |
His Angels His Countenance Always Behold |
2011-12-04-15:14:06 |
374 |
神旨美甜 |
Sweet Will Of God |
2011-12-04-15:14:06 |
375 |
你若取去我的心愛 |
If Thou Shouldst Take My Love Away |
2011-12-04-15:14:07 |
376 |
主阿,照你旨意 |
My Jesus, As Thou Wilt |
2011-12-04-15:14:07 |
377 |
願主的旨意成就 |
The Will Of The Lord Be Done |
2011-12-04-15:14:07 |
378 |
順 服 |
Submission |
2021-11-20-20:58:14 |
379 |
主阿,你不可讓步 |
Do Not Yield Thy Way To Mine |
2011-12-04-15:14:07 |
380 |
十字架的道路要犧牲 |
The Way Of The Cross |
2011-12-04-15:14:07 |
381 |
讓我愛而不受感戴 |
Let Me Love And Not Be Respected |
2011-12-04-15:14:08 |
382 |
主十字架是我誇耀 |
In The Cross of Christ I Glory |
2011-12-04-15:14:08 |
383 |
救主十架是我誇耀 |
The Cross of Christ |
2011-12-04-15:14:08 |
384 |
領我去髑髏地 |
Lead Me To Calvary |
2011-12-04-15:14:08 |
385 |
我是黑夜行人 |
I, Pilgrim Of The Night |
2011-12-04-15:14:08 |
386 |
Olives That Have Known No Pressure
2021-12-29-03:03:23 |
387 |
他們跟隨羔羊 |
These Are They Which Follow The Lamb |
2011-12-04-15:14:09 |
388 |
我願揀選神你美旨 |
I Choose Thee, Blessed Will of God |
2011-12-04-15:14:09 |
389 |
哦!基督的十字架 |
O, Cross Of Christ |
2020-05-31-14:55:46 |
390 |
眾人湧進主的國度 |
Many Crowd The Saviors' Kingdom |
2011-12-04-15:14:09 |
391 |
破毀帶我到主懷 |
Wrecked Outright On Jesus’ Breast |
2011-12-04-15:14:09 |
392 |
惟有常出代價 |
Cross of Christ! Lead Onward |
2011-12-04-15:14:10 |
393 |
神,你正在重排我的前途 |
2011-12-04-15:14:10 |
394 |
由死而生 |
Life Out of Death |
2011-12-04-15:14:10 |
395 |
哦,我願成為無有 |
Oh, To Be Nothing |
2011-12-04-15:14:10 |
396 |
非我惟主 |
Not I But Christ |
2011-12-04-15:14:10 |
397 |
十架曾否使你疲倦? |
Have You Grown Weary Of The Cross? |
2011-12-04-15:14:10 |
398 |
耶穌豈當獨背十架? |
Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone |
2011-12-04-15:14:11 |
399 |
你怎沒有傷痕? |
Hast Thou No Scar |
2011-12-04-15:14:11 |
400 |
葡萄一生的事 |
The Story Of A Grapevine |
2011-12-04-15:14:11 |
401 |
領我,領我去加略 |
Lead, Lead Me To Calvary |
2011-12-04-15:14:11 |
402 |
主,我今背十架 |
Lord, Here I Take My Cross |
2011-12-04-15:14:11 |
403 |
聯於基督 |
2011-12-04-15:14:11 |
404 |
與你合一 |
One With Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:12 |
405 |
充滿我心境 |
Fill All My Vision |
2011-12-04-15:14:12 |
406 |
我主,你說你是真樹 |
Thou Hast Said Thou Art The Vine |
2011-12-04-15:14:12 |
407 |
祂為我死 |
He Died For Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:12 |
408 |
時時刻刻 |
Moment By Moment |
2011-12-04-15:14:12 |
409 |
你是我異象 |
Be Thou My Vision |
2011-12-04-15:14:12 |
410 |
不再是我 |
No Longer I |
2011-12-04-15:14:12 |
411 |
Jesus! I Am Resting, Resting
2019-01-06-18:13:55 |
412 |
求主啟示主自己 |
Lord, Reveal Thyself To Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:13 |
413 |
當我憑著自己思想 |
When I Am In The Natural Man |
2011-12-04-15:14:13 |
414 |
意志薄弱 |
My Will Is Weak |
2011-12-04-15:14:13 |
415 |
嘴唇不潔,心思不潔 |
2011-12-04-15:14:13 |
416 |
當我蒙恩能夠施恩 |
2011-12-04-15:14:13 |
417 |
一生聰明未遇敵手 —毘努伊勒— |
2011-12-04-15:14:14 |
418 |
求主倒空我脫自己 |
Come Empty Me Of Self |
2011-12-04-15:14:14 |
419 |
一直走十架窄路 |
All The Way To Calvary |
2011-12-04-15:14:14 |
420 |
從死亡得生命 |
Through Death To Life |
2011-12-04-15:14:14 |
421 |
主,你啟示一個奧祕 |
Lord, Thou Hast Shown The Mystery |
2011-12-04-15:14:14 |
422 |
主,你知道所有乾渴 |
Lord, Thou Knowest All The Hunger |
2011-12-04-15:14:14 |
423 |
哦,各各他 |
2011-12-04-15:14:15 |
424 |
你是平靜祕密之源 |
Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose |
2011-12-04-15:14:15 |
425 |
耶穌為我 |
Jesus For Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:15 |
426 |
祂自己 |
Himself |
2011-12-04-15:14:15 |
427 |
惟有耶穌 |
Jesus Only |
2011-12-04-15:14:15 |
428 |
基督就是我的世界 |
Jesus Is All The World To Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:15 |
429 |
祂不誤事,因祂是神 |
He Faileth Not, For He Is God |
2021-05-09-15:03:57 |
430 |
再唱信心的歌 |
Keep Up The Song Of Faith |
2022-01-23-17:01:11 |
431 |
惟知道我所信的是誰 |
I Know Whom I Have Believed |
2011-12-04-15:14:16 |
432 |
在神沒有難成事 |
Nothing Is Impossible |
2011-12-04-15:14:16 |
433 |
站立在神話語的信實上面 |
On the Faithfulness Of God’s Own Word |
2011-12-04-15:14:16 |
434 |
信靠耶穌何其甘甜 |
‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus |
2017-04-18-19:38:40 |
435 |
不斷信靠主 |
Keep On Believing |
2011-12-04-15:14:16 |
436 |
或這樣,或那樣 |
In Some Way Or Other |
2011-12-04-15:14:17 |
437 |
主阿,即或盡是黑暗 |
2011-12-04-15:14:17 |
438 |
要對這山說:“去!” |
Say To This Mountain, “Go!” |
2011-12-04-15:14:17 |
439 |
主,我相信 |
Lord, I Believe |
2011-12-04-15:14:17 |
440 |
最後一握 |
The Last Handful |
2011-12-04-15:14:17 |
441 |
只要相信 |
Only Believe |
2011-12-04-15:14:17 |
442 |
祂看顧麻雀 |
His Eye Is On The Sparrow |
2011-12-04-15:14:17 |
443 |
前途如何我不知 |
I Know Not What Awaits Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:18 |
444 |
我與神聖的愛立約 |
2011-12-04-15:14:18 |
445 |
神說話,我就相信祂 |
God Said It, And I Believe It |
2011-12-04-15:14:18 |
446 |
神的應許不能廢去 |
2011-12-04-15:14:18 |
447 |
我無能力,我的主 |
2011-12-04-15:14:18 |
448 |
神必定顧念你 |
God Will Take Care Of You |
2011-12-04-15:14:18 |
449 |
緊握我手 |
Hold Thou My Hand |
2011-12-04-15:14:18 |
450 |
以利沙代 |
El Shaddai |
2011-12-04-15:14:19 |
451 |
無你,我就無法想 |
I Could Not Do Without Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:19 |
452 |
你信實何廣大 |
Great is Thy Faithfullness |
2011-12-04-15:14:19 |
453 |
看哪,神是我的拯救 |
Behold, God Is My Salvation |
2011-12-04-15:14:19 |
454 |
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
2021-12-29-03:09:06 |
455 |
倚靠耶和華真有福 |
Blessed Is He That Is Trusting The Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:19 |
456 |
永不灰心 |
Never Give Up |
2011-12-04-15:14:19 |
457 |
我是一個異鄉旅客 |
I’m A Pilgrim And A Stranger |
2011-12-04-15:14:20 |
458 |
唯靠耶穌 |
Trusting Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:20 |
459 |
安穩在祂大能膀臂 |
Held In His Mighty Arms |
2011-12-04-15:14:20 |
460 |
不,永不孤單 |
No, Never Alone |
2011-12-04-15:14:20 |
461 |
奇妙又奇妙的耶穌 |
Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:20 |
462 |
我惟靠你 |
We Rest On Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:20 |
463 |
我靈,鎮靜! |
Be Still, My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:14:21 |
464 |
每一天 |
Day By Day |
2022-04-16-15:40:37 |
465 |
安息在那永久膀臂中 |
Resting On The Everlasting Arms |
2011-12-04-15:14:21 |
466 |
將一切憂慮卸給神 |
Cast All Your Care Upon Him |
2011-12-04-15:14:21 |
467 |
信靠親愛救主 |
Trusting In The Saviour |
2011-12-04-15:14:21 |
468 |
是愛的神作我牧人 |
The Lord My Shepherd Is |
2011-12-04-15:14:21 |
469 |
耶穌是我牧者 |
Jesus Is Our Shepherd |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
470 |
詩篇二十三篇 |
The 23rd Psalm |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
471 |
一路我蒙救主引領 |
All The Way My Saviour Leads Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
472 |
指示你路 |
Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
473 |
求握我手引領我 |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
474 |
領我,大哉,主耶和華 |
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
475 |
引我,柔愛的光 |
Lead, Kindly Light |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
476 |
慈愛天父,求引領我 |
Lead Us, Heavenly Father |
2011-12-04-15:14:22 |
477 |
神用奧祕行動前來 |
God Moves In A Mysterious Way |
2011-12-04-15:14:23 |
478 |
求主耶穌操我舵 |
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:23 |
479 |
祂帶領我 |
He Leadeth Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:23 |
480 |
聖靈真實引導者 |
Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide |
2011-12-04-15:14:23 |
481 |
救主領我免迷途 |
Saviour, Lead Me, Lest I Stray |
2011-12-04-15:14:23 |
482 |
天上的榮光 |
Heavenly Sunshine |
2011-12-04-15:14:23 |
483 |
緊握我手引領我 |
Take Thou My Hand |
2011-12-04-15:14:23 |
484 |
溫柔引領我回家 |
Lead Me Gently Home, Father |
2011-12-04-15:14:24 |
485 |
我用眼睛引導你 |
I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eye |
2011-12-04-15:14:24 |
486 |
我的恩典夠你使用 |
My Grace Is Sufficient For Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:24 |
487 |
耶穌醫治破碎心懷 |
Jesus Heals The Broken-Hearted |
2011-12-04-15:14:24 |
488 |
新鮮如同清晨甘露 |
Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning |
2011-12-04-15:14:24 |
489 |
我常居住天愛中 |
In Heavenly Love Abiding |
2011-12-04-15:14:24 |
490 |
安穩在耶穌手臂 |
Safe In The Arms Of Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:25 |
491 |
絕沒有 |
No, Not One |
2011-12-04-15:14:25 |
492 |
是否疲倦 |
Art Thou Weary, Heavy Laden? |
2011-12-04-15:14:25 |
493 |
像長江大河 |
Like A River Glorious |
2011-12-04-15:14:25 |
494 |
哦 , 我魂 , 可無恐 |
It Is Well With My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:14:25 |
495 |
我錨已拋牢 |
My Anchor Holds |
2011-12-04-15:14:25 |
496 |
耶穌,靈魂的愛人 |
Jesus, Lover Of My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:14:25 |
497 |
望斷以及於耶穌 |
Looking Off Unto Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:26 |
498 |
有日都要領會 |
Some Time We’ll Understand |
2011-12-04-15:14:26 |
499 |
我今所知主恩有限 |
2011-12-04-15:14:26 |
500 |
當我來到我盡頭 |
When I Come To The End Of Myself |
2011-12-04-15:14:26 |
501 |
重擔當託耶和華 |
Cast Thy Burden On The Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:26 |
502 |
十架不會重逾祂恩典 |
The Cross Is Not Greater Than His Grace |
2021-02-17-00:41:15 |
503 |
重擔可解脫在加略山 |
Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary |
2011-12-04-15:14:26 |
504 |
神仍坐著為王 |
God Is Still On The Throne |
2011-12-04-15:14:27 |
505 |
神未曾應許:天色常藍 |
God Hath not Promised Skies Always Blue |
2011-12-04-15:14:27 |
506 |
來罷,憂傷的人 |
Come, Ye Disconsolate |
2011-12-04-15:14:27 |
507 |
神的路是正路 |
God’s Way Is the Best Way |
2011-12-04-15:14:27 |
508 |
父,我知道我的一生 |
Father, I Know That All My Life |
2011-12-04-15:14:27 |
509 |
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
2024-01-24-03:12:32 |
510 |
當我在於最暗時間 |
2011-12-04-15:14:28 |
511 |
主顧念嗎? |
Does Jesus Care? |
2011-12-04-15:14:28 |
512 |
主,你正懷念我 |
Thou Thinkest, Lord, Of Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:28 |
513 |
主已知道你的挫折 |
2011-12-04-15:14:28 |
514 |
親愛主,握我手 |
Precious Lord, Take My Hand |
2011-12-04-15:14:28 |
515 |
現今時候已不多 |
2011-12-04-15:14:28 |
516 |
榮耀的盼望 |
O Hope of Glory |
2011-12-04-15:14:29 |
517 |
當我恩主降臨時候 |
When My Blest Lord Will Come Again |
2011-12-04-15:14:29 |
518 |
救我恩典 |
Saved By Grace |
2011-12-04-15:14:29 |
519 |
在那邊點名的時候 |
When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder |
2020-06-14-16:44:14 |
520 |
你要不死 |
We May Not Die |
2011-12-04-15:14:29 |
521 |
基督再臨 |
Christ Returneth |
2011-12-04-15:14:29 |
522 |
羔羊婚筵 |
The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb |
2011-12-04-15:14:30 |
523 |
我將站在王面前 |
We Shall Stand Before The King |
2011-12-04-15:14:30 |
524 |
主耶穌,我正等待 |
2011-12-04-15:14:30 |
525 |
主,當我們被提上升 |
2011-12-04-15:14:30 |
526 |
當那偉大日子 |
2011-12-04-15:14:30 |
527 |
這世界非我家 |
This World Is Not My Home |
2011-12-04-15:14:30 |
528 |
我想我家鄉在那邊 |
Oh Think Of The Home Over There |
2011-12-04-15:14:31 |
529 |
天是我家 |
Heaven Is My Home |
2011-12-04-15:14:31 |
530 |
我們將要聚集河邊 |
Shall We Gather At The River? |
2011-12-04-15:14:31 |
531 |
更近天上美家 |
Closer To My Home |
2011-12-04-15:14:31 |
532 |
玉漏沙殘 |
The Sands Of Time |
2011-12-04-15:14:31 |
533 |
更美地 |
2011-12-04-15:14:32 |
534 |
天是我家 |
2011-12-04-15:14:32 |
535 |
因有羔羊血洗淨 |
Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb |
2011-12-04-15:14:32 |
536 |
在於新耶路撤冷 |
In the new Jerusalem |
2011-12-04-15:14:32 |
537 |
向前直往錫安 |
We’re Marching To Zion |
2011-12-04-15:14:32 |
538 |
當我們都回天家 |
When We All Get To Heaven |
2011-12-04-15:14:32 |
539 |
第一羨慕是救主 |
My Savior First Of All |
2022-02-24-03:27:08 |
540 |
前去!我們口號 |
Forward! Be Our Watchword |
2011-12-04-15:14:33 |
541 |
哦,這就是我的榮耀 |
O That Will Be Glory |
2011-12-04-15:14:33 |
542 |
再不久 |
In the Sweet By and By |
2011-12-04-15:14:33 |
543 |
哦,主,撒冷是你所建設 |
2011-12-04-15:14:33 |
544 |
客旅 |
The Pilgrim |
2011-12-04-15:14:33 |
545 |
禱告乃是靈中所燒聖香 |
Prayer Is The Incense Of A Holy Heart |
2011-12-04-15:14:33 |
546 |
教我禱告 , 主 |
Teach Me To Pray |
2011-12-04-15:14:34 |
547 |
是有福禱告良辰 |
‘Tis The Blessed Hour Of Prayer |
2011-12-04-15:14:34 |
548 |
每一禱告都有答應 |
Every Prayer Will Find Its Answer |
2011-12-04-15:14:34 |
549 |
“憑信心求,”奉主的名 |
Ask In Faith |
2011-12-04-15:14:34 |
550 |
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
2021-03-28-14:36:36 |
551 |
求主教我如何禱告 |
Teach Us To Pray |
2011-12-04-15:14:34 |
552 |
禱告之時 |
Sweet Hour Of Prayer |
2011-12-04-15:14:35 |
553 |
當告訴耶穌 |
Tell It To Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:35 |
554 |
要告訴耶穌 |
I Must Tell Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:35 |
555 |
尚未蒙允? |
Unanswered Yet? |
2011-12-04-15:14:35 |
556 |
只要與主說一聲 |
A Little Talk With Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:35 |
557 |
親愛主,我不能禱告 |
Distraction In Prayer |
2011-12-04-15:14:36 |
558 |
靠近主 |
Close To Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:36 |
559 |
你們若專心尋求我 |
If With All Your Hearts Ye Truly Seek Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:36 |
560 |
耶穌是我的,我有把握 |
Blessed assurance |
2011-12-04-15:14:36 |
561 |
祂是我愛在破曉清晨 |
He’s The One I Love In The Morning |
2011-12-04-15:14:36 |
562 |
我有一位好朋友 |
I Have A Friend So Precious |
2011-12-04-15:14:36 |
563 |
渴慕耶穌 |
Longing For Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:37 |
564 |
祂摸我 |
2011-12-04-15:14:37 |
565 |
奇妙又奇妙的耶穌 |
Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:37 |
566 |
主,我是屬你 |
I Am Thine, O Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:37 |
567 |
哦,主,求你長在我心 |
O Jesus Christ, Grow Thou In Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:37 |
568 |
主阿,你面我正尋求 |
O Lord, Thy Face I Am Seeking |
2011-12-04-15:14:37 |
569 |
我神,我心充滿安寧 |
My Heart Is Resting, O My God |
2011-12-04-15:14:38 |
570 |
沒有間隔,主 |
Nothing Between, Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:38 |
571 |
我時刻需要你 |
I Need Thee Every Hour |
2021-09-26-14:26:56 |
572 |
我如困鹿切慕溪水 |
As Pants The Hart |
2011-12-04-15:14:38 |
573 |
僕人的眼睛 |
As The Eyes Of The Servants |
2011-12-04-15:14:38 |
574 |
在花園中 |
In the Garden |
2011-12-04-15:14:38 |
575 |
主,我願更親近你 |
Just a Closer Walk with Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:39 |
576 |
我靈羨慕要你 |
My Spirit Longs For Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:39 |
577 |
更加甘甜 |
Still Sweeter Every Day |
2011-12-04-15:14:39 |
578 |
與主同行真榮耀無比 |
It Is Glory Just To Walk With Him |
2011-12-04-15:14:39 |
579 |
你是愛的溫柔氣息 |
I Cannot Breathe Enough Of Thee |
2021-10-10-15:34:06 |
580 |
在隱密處與神同關鎖 |
Shut In With God |
2011-12-04-15:14:40 |
581 |
主耶穌,我羨慕活在你面前 |
Lord Jesus, I Long In Thy Presence To Live |
2018-08-19-17:41:20 |
582 |
親愛主!寶貝主 |
2011-12-04-15:14:40 |
583 |
釋放我的靈 |
Set My Spirit Free |
2011-12-04-15:14:40 |
584 |
與你更親,我神 |
Nearer, My God, To Thee |
2011-12-04-15:14:40 |
585 |
我的道路 |
The Path I Travel |
2011-12-04-15:14:40 |
586 |
Nearer, Still Nearer
2019-03-04-00:00:54 |
587 |
晨光掠天而過 |
When Morning Gilds The Skies |
2011-12-04-15:14:41 |
588 |
每日早晨愛都新鮮 |
New Every Morning Is The Love |
2011-12-04-15:14:41 |
589 |
來,我魂,當隨朝陽 |
Awake, My Soul, And With The Sun |
2011-12-04-15:14:41 |
590 |
夕陽西沉 |
Day Is Dying In The West |
2011-12-04-15:14:41 |
591 |
救主耶穌,我的太陽 |
Sun Of My Soul |
2011-12-04-15:14:41 |
592 |
Pass It On
2011-12-07-13:42:12 |
593 |
I Love to Tell the Story,
2019-03-31-14:20:47 |
594 |
我們有一故事傳給萬邦 |
We’ve A Story To Tell To The Nations |
2011-12-04-15:14:41 |
595 |
為你,我今祈求 |
For You I Am Praying |
2011-12-04-15:14:42 |
596 |
傳揚好信息 |
Publish Glad Tidings |
2011-12-04-15:14:42 |
597 |
禾捆帶回來 |
Bringing In The Sheaves |
2011-12-04-15:14:42 |
598 |
傳道的呼喊 |
A Missionary Cry |
2011-12-04-15:14:42 |
599 |
去發光 |
Send The Light |
2011-12-04-15:14:42 |
600 |
到遠方,到萬國 |
The Regions Beyond |
2011-12-04-15:14:43 |
601 |
我豈可去,雙手空空? |
Must I go, and empty handed? |
2011-12-04-15:14:43 |
602 |
親愛罪人,請你來 |
Come Ye Sinners |
2011-12-04-15:14:43 |
603 |
我願你認識耶穌 |
I Wish You Knew My Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:43 |
604 |
你的罪雖像硃紅 |
Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet |
2011-12-04-15:14:43 |
605 |
救主捨命心破碎 |
He Died of A Broken Heart |
2011-12-04-15:14:43 |
606 |
因為神愛世人 |
For God So Loved the World |
2011-12-04-15:14:44 |
607 |
愛就是… |
Love Was When … |
2011-12-04-15:14:44 |
608 |
仰望真神羔羊 |
Look to the Lamb of God |
2011-12-04-15:14:44 |
609 |
至大醫生 |
The Great Physician |
2011-12-04-15:14:44 |
610 |
罪惡途中多年流蕩 |
2011-12-04-15:14:44 |
611 |
無人像耶穌這樣愛顧我 |
No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:44 |
612 |
全脫落 |
Rolled Away |
2011-12-04-15:14:45 |
613 |
祂除我罪 |
He Took My Sins Away |
2011-12-04-15:14:45 |
614 |
祂救了我 |
He Ransomed Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:45 |
615 |
一事我知道 |
This One Thing I Know |
2011-12-04-15:14:45 |
616 |
祂是我的一切 |
He’s Everything To me |
2011-12-04-15:14:45 |
617 |
你心有空處為主嗎? |
Have You Any Room for Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:45 |
618 |
永遠永遠,永永遠遠 |
Eternity! Eternity |
2011-12-04-15:14:45 |
619 |
讓祂進 |
Let Him In |
2011-12-04-15:14:46 |
620 |
要及時 |
Be In Time |
2011-12-04-15:14:46 |
621 |
讓耶穌來進入你心 |
Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart |
2011-12-04-15:14:46 |
622 |
幾乎要聽勸 |
Almost persuaded |
2011-12-04-15:14:46 |
623 |
來信耶穌 |
Come To Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:46 |
624 |
何等柔細慈愛 |
Softly And Tenderly |
2011-12-04-15:14:46 |
625 |
今日召你 |
Calling Today |
2011-12-04-15:14:47 |
626 |
耶穌今留步 |
Jesus Lingers Still |
2011-12-04-15:14:47 |
627 |
只要信祂 |
Only Trust Him |
2011-12-04-15:14:47 |
628 |
照我本相 |
Just I Am |
2011-12-04-15:14:47 |
629 |
你的歡迎聲音 |
I Hear Thy Welcome Voice |
2011-12-04-15:14:47 |
630 |
主,我要回家 |
Lord, I'm Coming Home |
2011-12-04-15:14:47 |
631 |
救主耶穌,我來 |
O Blessed Lord, I Come |
2011-12-04-15:14:48 |
632 |
進入我心 |
Into My Heart |
2011-12-04-15:14:48 |
633 |
莫把我漏掉 |
Pass Me Not |
2011-12-04-15:14:48 |
634 |
使我成祝福 |
Make Me A Blessing |
2011-12-04-15:14:48 |
635 |
愛主,要我何去,我就去 |
I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go |
2011-12-04-15:14:48 |
636 |
要忠心 |
Be True |
2011-12-04-15:14:48 |
637 |
我不過是你運河 |
Channels Only |
2011-12-04-15:14:49 |
638 |
去作工 |
To The Work |
2011-12-04-15:14:49 |
639 |
事奉耶穌真有快樂 |
There Is Joy In Serving Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:49 |
640 |
向我說話 |
Lord, Speak To Me |
2011-12-04-15:14:49 |
641 |
主耶穌,我曾應許 |
O Jesus, I have Promised |
2011-12-04-15:14:49 |
642 |
不再是我,乃是基督 |
Not I But Christ |
2011-12-04-15:14:50 |
643 |
神聖呼召 |
2011-12-04-15:14:50 |
644 |
趕緊工作夜快臨 |
Work, for the night is coming |
2011-12-04-15:14:50 |
6441 |
儆醒阿,黑夜已深! |
Watch, for the night is ending! |
2021-07-17-02:52:05 |
645 |
要將最好獻上 |
Our Best |
2011-12-04-15:14:50 |
646 |
正當時日悄然而過 |
While The Days Are Going By |
2011-12-04-15:14:50 |
647 |
復興你工作,主 |
Revive Thy Work, O Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:51 |
648 |
恩雨,降恩雨 |
Showers Of Blessing |
2011-12-04-15:14:51 |
649 |
降聖火 |
Send The Fire |
2011-12-04-15:14:51 |
650 |
五旬大權能 |
Pentecostal Power |
2011-12-04-15:14:51 |
651 |
賜下大復興 |
Send A Great Revival |
2011-12-04-15:14:51 |
652 |
懇求我主,鑒察我的心思 |
Search Me, O God |
2011-12-04-15:14:51 |
653 |
枯乾的骸骨阿 |
O Ye Dry Bones |
2011-12-04-15:14:52 |
654 |
我神乃是大能堡壘 |
A mighty Fortress is Our God |
2011-12-04-15:14:52 |
655 |
古聖信仰 |
Faith Of Our Fathers |
2011-12-04-15:14:52 |
656 |
當你苦受撒但試探 |
2011-12-04-15:14:52 |
657 |
今日戰爭兇猛 |
Conflict Today Is Fierce |
2011-12-04-15:14:52 |
658 |
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
2012-01-15-17:03:59 |
659 |
神的兒子出戰前方 |
The Son Of God Goes Forth To War |
2011-12-04-15:14:53 |
660 |
我不敢稍微失敗 |
I Dare Not Be Defeated |
2021-11-05-17:44:37 |
661 |
耶穌的十字架 |
2011-12-04-15:14:53 |
662 |
得勝靠耶穌 |
victory in jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:53 |
663 |
站住,你當為主站住 |
Stand Up For Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:53 |
664 |
福音執事當宣告 |
2011-12-04-15:14:53 |
665 |
從軍的教會 |
2011-12-04-15:14:53 |
666 |
誰是在主這邊? |
Who Is On The Lord's Side? |
2011-12-04-15:14:54 |
667 |
親愛基督精兵 |
Soldier, Soldier, Fighting |
2011-12-04-15:14:54 |
668 |
哈利路亞!耶穌得勝 |
Hallelujah! Christ Is Victor |
2011-12-04-15:14:54 |
669 |
爭戰原來不是你的 |
2011-12-04-15:14:54 |
670 |
靠主耶穌聖名 |
In The Name Of Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:54 |
671 |
超乎萬名之上的名 |
The Name Which Is Above Every Name |
2011-12-04-15:14:54 |
672 |
要全心,要真心 |
True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted |
2011-12-04-15:14:55 |
673 |
衝過!戰士哪,衝過 |
Charge, Soldiers, Charge In Battle |
2011-12-04-15:14:55 |
674 |
當奉耶穌這名站住 |
The Name of Jesus Is Our Stand |
2011-12-04-15:14:55 |
675 |
神的子民被寇 |
2011-12-04-15:14:55 |
676 |
榮耀教會 |
A Glorious Church |
2011-12-04-15:14:55 |
677 |
美麗鍚安,我神聖城 |
Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken |
2011-12-04-15:14:55 |
678 |
主,我愛你國度 |
I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord |
2011-12-04-15:14:56 |
679 |
求主住在教會中 |
Jesus, with Thy Church Abide |
2011-12-04-15:14:56 |
680 |
我們聚集在你墓的四圍 |
Around Thy Grave, Lord Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:56 |
681 |
與主同葬 |
Buried With Christ |
2011-12-04-15:14:56 |
682 |
阿爸,我們進前來 |
2011-12-04-15:14:56 |
683 |
為著這餅和這杯 |
For The Bread And For The Wine |
2011-12-04-15:14:56 |
684 |
主舉愛旗遮蓋我們 |
Jesus Spreads His Banner Over Us |
2011-12-04-15:14:57 |
685 |
主 , 在此我要與你面對面 |
Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face To Face |
2022-01-23-17:16:03 |
686 |
主耶穌,當那晚間 |
On That Same Night, Lord Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:14:57 |
687 |
我們照你恩惠話語 |
According to Thy gracious word |
2011-12-04-15:14:57 |
688 |
願主為我擘開生命的餅 |
Break Thou the Bread of Life |
2011-12-04-15:14:57 |
689 |
我主,請說,僕人敬聽 |
Master, Speak! Thy Servant Heareth |
2011-12-04-15:14:57 |
690 |
主,你有否一句為我? |
Lord, Hast Thou Not One Word For Me? |
2011-12-04-15:14:58 |
691 |
主阿,我們聚集你前 |
Lord, In Thy Presence We Are Met |
2011-12-04-15:14:58 |
692 |
救主,我們因你話 |
Blessed Jesus, At Thy Word |
2011-12-04-15:14:58 |
693 |
我們呼吸天上空氣 |
2011-12-04-15:14:58 |
694 |
福哉,愛的捆綁 |
Blest be the tie that binds |
2011-12-04-15:14:58 |
695 |
弟兄和睦同居 |
2011-12-04-15:14:58 |
696 |
聖徒眾心,愛裏相繫 |
Christian Hearts, In Love United |
2011-12-04-15:14:59 |
697 |
哦 , 完全的愛 |
O Prefect Love |
2011-12-04-15:14:59 |
698 |
愛的神阿,在你座前 |
O God Of Love To Thee We Bow |
2011-12-04-15:14:59 |
699 |
我們愛 |
We Love |
2011-12-04-15:14:59 |
700 |
慈仁牧人 |
2011-12-04-15:14:59 |
701 |
看哪!慈愛牧者站立 |
See Israel’s Gentle Shepherd Stand |
2011-12-04-15:14:59 |
702 |
願神同在直至再見面 |
God Be With You Till We Meet Again |
2011-12-04-15:14:59 |
703 |
再見 |
Good-by |
2011-12-04-15:15:00 |
704 |
你要痊癒麼? |
Wilt Thou Be Made Whole |
2011-12-04-15:15:00 |
705 |
只一摸 |
Just One Touch |
2011-12-04-15:15:00 |
706 |
神的福音,何等有福 |
Blessed Be The Glorious Tidings |
2011-12-04-15:15:00 |
707 |
身體得生命 |
Life For The Body |
2011-12-04-15:15:00 |
708 |
祂醫治我,讚美祂名 |
He Healeth Me, O Bless His Name |
2011-12-04-15:15:00 |
709 |
主裏安睡 |
Asleep In Jesus |
2011-12-04-15:15:01 |
710 |
睡罷!親愛 |
2011-12-04-15:15:01 |
711 |
今將此身安葬入墓 |
This Body In The Grave |
2011-12-04-15:15:01 |
712 |
又是一年正起首 |
Another Year Is Dawning |
2011-12-04-15:15:01 |
713 |
感謝神 |
Thanks To God |
2011-12-04-15:15:01 |
714 |
讓我們重起首 |
Come, Let Us Anew |
2011-12-04-15:15:01 |
715 |
數主恩惠 |
Count Your Blessings |
2011-12-04-15:15:02 |
716 |
詩篇一百五十篇 |
The 150th Psalm |
2011-12-04-15:15:02 |
717 |
感恩聚會 Thanksgiving Meeting
•Mary Wu •James Chao •魏惠愛 •許慧玲 •Andy Chan •陳愛金
2020-11-28-20:43:48 |
718 |
2020 福音營 |
2020-08-02-18:16:44 |
719 |
預備主的再來 |
2020-09-13-00:18:12 |
720 |
我心獻曲 |
My Tribute |
2021-08-23-00:19:34 |
721 |
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
2011-09-25-15:40:45 |
722 |
耶 穌 是 我 唯 一 盼 望
In Christ Alone
2011-06-05-13:33:46 |
723 |
Lamb of God
2011-06-05-14:18:59 |
724 |
My Tribute
2018-05-07-00:44:51 |
725 |
What a Friend We Have In Jesus
2018-06-27-19:11:32 |
726 |
Come into His Presence
2018-07-11-15:18:12 |
727 |
He Is Exalted
2018-07-11-21:40:16 |
728 |
Nearer, my God, To Thee
2018-08-02-18:13:47 |
729 |
This is the Time to be Joyful
2018-08-28-02:21:45 |
730 |
Blessed Are They
2018-10-04-23:29:32 |
731 |
Ask of Me
2018-10-31-02:52:12 |
732 |
2018-11-06-17:14:17 |
733 |
Lead on, O King Eternal
2020-07-28-20:08:51 |
734 |
2018-11-13-03:05:07 |
735 |
Standing on the Promises
2018-11-19-02:13:02 |
736 |
Come, Ye Thankful People
2018-11-19-02:16:42 |
737 |
A Joyful, Jubilant Song
2018-11-28-02:17:16 |
738 |
Come to the Table, Come to the Lord
2018-12-31-02:49:11 |
739 |
Walk along Beside me, O my Lord
2019-01-29-01:21:28 |
740 |
I will sing praise unto the Lord
2019-02-26-02:30:31 |
741 |
Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah
2019-04-02-01:54:35 |
742 |
2019-04-08-02:48:10 |
743 |
God is Our Refuge
2019-04-30-01:50:23 |
744 |
Lift Up Your Voice
2019-05-28-00:29:12 |
745 |
2019-07-10-01:07:08 |
746 |
As the Deer Panteth for the Water
2019-07-19-02:17:04 |
747 |
Peace be in You
2019-07-29-18:00:48 |
748 |
Bless The Lord, O My Soul
2019-10-01-01:17:15 |
749 |
Sovereign Majesty
2019-10-31-19:19:55 |
750 |
2019-11-25-01:54:57 |
751 |
Day By Day
2019-11-25-22:40:35 |
752 |
Here is Love, the Love of God
2019-12-30-19:48:28 |
753 |
When Peace, Like a River
2020-01-28-02:24:47 |
754 |
Softly and Tenderly
2020-02-25-17:03:14 |
755 |
A Little Bird I am
2020-07-18-18:53:48 |
756 |
基督榮耀滿天庭 |
Christ, whose glory fills the skies |
2021-05-29-02:20:57 |
757 |
2023-03-06-05:32:09 |
758 |
憐憫仍然保留 |
Mercy Still |
2023-03-27-23:39:33 |
759 |
Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
2023-07-13-22:39:31 |
760 |
慈愛的神,和平君王 |
2024-01-07-01:58:23 |
761 |
信靠上主 |
Trust in the Lord |
2024-01-07-00:31:27 |
762 |
我要堅信到永遠 |
We Will Keep Our Faith Alive! |
2024-01-07-00:31:37 |
763 |
主這樣的愛 |
The Way That He Loves |
2024-01-07-00:31:47 |
764 |
慈愛的神,和平君王 |
O God of Love, O King of Peace |
2024-01-07-00:23:10 |
765 |
Reap What You Sow
2024-03-02-14:45:23 |
766 |
恩典的記號 |
Marks of Grace |
2024-01-25-01:20:39 |
767 |
God , Grant Me To Be Silent
2024-05-08-21:51:30 |
768 |
Jesus Is The Living Stone
2024-05-08-21:51:47 |
806 |
for Clare College, Cambridge A Clare Benediction
2011-11-23-03:12:55 |
808 |
送 別
2011-11-23-03:11:38 |
809 |
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
2011-12-06-00:46:55 |
810 |
A Song at the Crossroads
2011-11-23-03:07:08 |
811 |
2011-11-23-03:06:42 |
812 |
Glorious Freedom
2011-11-23-03:06:17 |
813 |
2011-11-23-03:05:55 |
814 |
Like a Lamb
2011-11-23-03:05:34 |
815 |
How deep the Father’s love for us and Amazing Grace
2011-12-05-22:34:20 |
816 |
Jesus Loves You
2011-11-23-03:07:50 |
817 |
How Great Thou Art
2014-09-04-01:29:24 |
818 |
2011-11-23-03:03:11 |
819 |
All Praises to the Lord
2011-11-23-03:04:45 |
820 |
生命活水 引導的靈
Living Water, Guiding Spirit
2011-11-23-03:02:44 |
821 |
Praise to the Lord
2011-11-23-03:02:21 |
822 |
The Gift of Knowing You
2011-11-22-23:58:36 |
823 |
2011-11-23-03:00:27 |
824 |
2011-11-23-03:00:03 |
825 |
送 別
2011-11-23-02:59:36 |
826 |
2011-11-23-02:59:11 |
827 |
七律 別美林
2011-02-27-15:43:42 |
828 |
This Moment of Remembrance
2011-11-23-02:58:08 |
829 |
The Lord Is My Strength
2011-11-23-02:57:35 |
830 |
2011-11-23-02:55:54 |
831 |
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
2011-03-06-18:14:00 |
832 |
Seek First The Kingdom
2011-02-27-23:05:05 |
833 |
主, 我愛祢組曲
We Love You, Lord
2011-02-27-23:21:12 |
834 |
Eternal Guide and Friend
2011-03-29-03:44:22 |
835 |
Who did
2011-04-01-02:19:59 |
836 |
Coming Home
2011-04-03-00:03:37 |
837 |
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
2011-04-02-13:41:29 |
838 |
2011-04-30-17:17:54 |
839 |
Let the Praise Go 'round
2011-06-01-00:42:30 |
840 |
Gentle Voice
2011-06-16-11:35:33 |
841 |
Who Is the One?
2011-06-16-11:31:46 |
842 |
The Servant King
2011-06-26-02:34:17 |
843 |
In Christ Alone
2011-08-03-15:13:25 |
844 |
The Lord’s Prayer
2011-09-28-01:44:52 |
845 |
He is Here, He is Here
2011-11-04-16:38:21 |
846 |
Holy Is He
2011-11-02-18:20:44 |
847 |
Spirit of the Living God
2011-11-05-03:59:19 |
848 |
2011-11-21-15:37:58 |
849 |
2011-11-22-05:37:56 |
850 |
Whom but You
2011-11-23-00:24:30 |
851 |
2011-11-21-18:04:31 |
852 |
2011-11-21-17:23:06 |
853 |
2011-11-21-15:46:11 |
854 |
I Believe the Bible
2011-11-22-05:57:34 |
855 |
Little by Little
2011-11-22-20:58:45 |
856 |
I’ve Got the Joy In My Heart
2011-11-22-21:06:44 |
857 |
Day by Day
2011-11-22-07:14:08 |
858 |
Books of the Old Testament
2011-11-22-07:38:10 |
859 |
Blessed Be Your Name
2011-11-24-02:49:00 |
860 |
Shine, Jesus Shine
2011-11-24-02:59:46 |
861 |
短劇 - 空虛
Middle School Skit - Emptiness
2011-11-24-01:12:49 |
862 |
I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary
2012-01-06-15:22:27 |
863 |
My Jesus, I Love Thee
2012-01-28-13:49:27 |
864 |
He is Lord
2012-01-31-04:06:22 |
865 |
He Hideth My Soul
2012-02-26-16:51:51 |
866 |
2012-03-04-20:48:37 |
867 |
2012-03-04-02:21:36 |
868 |
2012-02-26-16:52:25 |
869 |
2017-06-26-01:55:24 |
870 |
2012-03-10-03:43:54 |
871 |
Hosanna to Our King!
2012-03-23-22:21:26 |
872 |
2012-04-13-18:48:03 |
873 |
主是我牧者 我必不缺乏
The Lord’s My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want
2012-04-25-16:06:38 |
874 |
God So Loved the World
2012-05-29-03:21:15 |
875 |
The Love of God
2012-05-31-00:50:25 |
876 |
Lamb of God
2012-07-13-01:32:40 |
877 |
2012-09-26-16:38:19 |
878 |
2012-09-26-04:27:16 |
879 |
2012-09-26-04:27:57 |
880 |
2012-10-05-03:38:12 |
881 |
你曾否見我主 |
Were You There? |
2012-10-05-02:47:32 |
882 |
O Living Bread of Heaven
2012-11-01-19:20:09 |
883 |
2012-11-19-16:47:56 |
884 |
2012-11-19-20:32:17 |
885 |
2012-11-21-04:00:41 |
886 |
2012-11-21-04:03:42 |
887 |
2012-11-20-16:59:06 |
888 |
The Heavenly Express Introduction
2012-11-20-20:58:38 |
889 |
The Yearning
2012-12-22-21:27:45 |
890 |
Easter is Here
2013-01-30-04:36:00 |
891 |
Our Heritage of Faith
2013-02-27-23:15:11 |
892 |
2013-03-13-02:53:51 |
893 |
‘Til the Storm Passes By
2013-03-02-16:21:51 |
894 |
2013-03-03-03:59:51 |
895 |
2013-03-13-03:02:29 |
896 |
2013-03-17-13:37:36 |
897 |
2014-07-24-03:30:24 |
898 |
Everyone, Sing to the King!
2013-04-06-03:46:15 |
899 |
Psalm 23
2013-05-02-03:28:50 |
900 |
O Lord! Here I Am
2013-05-08-03:16:42 |
901 |
Through the Ages God Hast Longed
2013-05-08-03:39:47 |
902 |
Yes, Jesus Is My Savior
2013-05-31-03:18:39 |
903 |
Jesus Gives You Peace
2013-07-06-23:21:41 |
904 |
There Is A God
2013-07-17-19:00:06 |
905 |
2013-07-17-19:11:15 |
906 |
2013-07-17-19:20:04 |
907 |
Lord, I Need You
2013-08-01-21:53:06 |
908 |
Here Am I, Send Me
2013-10-01-15:30:41 |
909 |
2013-10-31-02:50:16 |
910 |
Here Am I, Send Me
2013-12-01-14:43:32 |
911 |
A Heart to Praise My God
2014-01-03-17:05:56 |
912 |
What Feast Will You Bring?
2014-01-26-16:50:55 |
913 |
Tender Shepherd, El Shaddai
2014-03-01-12:24:09 |
914 |
Wondrous Love
2014-04-02-21:29:59 |
915 |
Take the World, but give me Jesus
2014-04-03-04:20:55 |
916 |
2014-04-10-15:23:42 |
917 |
When I Return
2014-04-10-15:57:50 |
918 |
2014-04-11-01:44:05 |
919 |
2014-04-11-15:10:11 |
920 |
Christ Arose
2014-07-06-13:48:28 |
921 |
O Give Thanks
2014-07-06-13:44:32 |
922 |
2014-07-24-02:31:23 |
923 |
2014-07-25-02:47:05 |
924 |
The Wondrous Cross
2014-10-18-23:00:14 |
925 |
2014-10-18-23:06:19 |
926 |
How Great Thou Art
2014-09-05-02:20:47 |
927 |
We Remember Thee
2014-10-18-23:09:51 |
928 |
Lord, I Love Thee
2014-10-18-23:12:21 |
929 |
Without His Cross
2014-10-31-03:48:10 |
930 |
Lord, I Need You
2014-11-11-04:53:52 |
931 |
2014-11-23-14:44:44 |
932 |
歡欣, 歡欣!
2014-11-16-15:20:21 |
933 |
2014-11-19-03:02:45 |
935 |
No Greater Love
2014-12-02-03:38:30 |
936 |
2015-01-01-06:42:59 |
937 |
A Psalm for Life
2015-01-31-00:00:43 |
938 |
The Lord's my shepherd
2015-02-28-18:05:31 |
939 |
A Lenten Meditation
2015-03-20-23:58:19 |
940 |
2015-04-07-03:32:47 |
941 |
Come To Us, Lord Jesus!
2015-04-19-02:53:13 |
942 |
O Love Divine
2015-06-05-04:40:35 |
943 |
看哪 ! 那人 |
Behold the Man! |
2015-07-04-11:56:22 |
944 |
This is Jesus
2015-10-04-14:18:05 |
945 |
My Father Watches Over Me
2015-10-04-14:18:12 |
946 |
Has the Lord withheld his grace from you?
2015-10-04-14:18:19 |
947 |
2015-10-19-03:06:38 |
948 |
2015-10-19-03:23:24 |
949 |
2015-11-01-12:43:42 |
950 |
I waited for the Lord.
2015-11-30-04:11:48 |
951 |
Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God
2015-12-31-17:21:55 |
952 |
Ho Everyone That Thirsteth
2016-02-01-04:36:43 |
953 |
Be still
2016-03-01-03:51:12 |
954 |
Hosanna to the Lord Triumphant
2016-03-30-20:25:30 |
955 |
2016-04-08-02:38:47 |
956 |
2016-04-17-13:40:12 |
957 |
Christians, Celebrate and Sing!
2016-04-29-17:12:35 |
958 |
不再有罪疚,不再有罪 |
Free From Guilt and Free From Sin |
2016-06-04-18:58:43 |
959 |
2018-04-25-02:29:45 |
960 |
2016-06-23-21:11:11 |
961 |
‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
2016-08-04-21:39:05 |
962 |
2016-08-22-14:26:21 |
963 |
There Is A Green Hill Far Away
2016-09-29-12:15:24 |
964 |
King of Sorrow
2016-11-06-14:40:16 |
965 |
萬福泉源 |
Come, Thou Fount of Everything Blessing |
2016-11-20-00:05:13 |
966 |
Obedience |
2016-11-23-18:30:21 |
967 |
Did you ever talk to God above? |
2016-11-24-01:28:02 |
968 |
祢的話 |
2016-11-24-01:34:31 |
969 |
我們成為一家人 |
2016-11-23-20:48:15 |
970 |
預備主的道路 |
Prepare ye the Way of Lord |
2016-11-30-14:27:37 |
971 |
基督耶穌,人類救主 |
Thou Art Jesus, Savior and Lord |
2016-12-27-14:04:22 |
972 |
眾城門快打開 |
Lift Up Your Heads |
2017-01-30-01:22:14 |
973 |
In Mercy Hear Us, O Lord
2017-02-28-05:11:56 |
974 |
哈利路亞,阿們 |
Hallelujah, Amen |
2017-03-27-18:04:11 |
975 |
2017-04-10-17:56:22 |
976 |
你名何等尊貴榮耀 |
The Majesty and Glory of Your Name |
2017-05-30-15:43:50 |
977 |
你們若専心一意 |
If with All Your Hearts |
2017-06-27-01:12:10 |
978 |
我願作僕人 |
Make Me a Servant |
2017-07-15-16:44:54 |
979 |
主是萬王之王 |
Lord is the Lord of All |
2017-08-01-03:16:11 |
980 |
信徒起來 |
Christian, Arise |
2017-08-03-01:41:04 |
981 |
歸於耶和華 |
Ascribe to the Lord |
2017-08-28-23:46:18 |
982 |
讚美時刻,喜樂時刻 |
A Time for Praise, A Time for Joy |
2017-09-14-04:34:06 |
983 |
當用心聆聽 |
Listen with your heart |
2017-09-28-01:17:06 |
984 |
我靈之光 |
Light of My Soul |
2017-10-30-22:17:25 |
985 |
羔羊 |
Lamb |
2017-11-30-01:24:34 |
986 |
到主面前 |
Come Before His Presence |
2018-01-01-16:46:57 |
987 |
耶穌的愛何等深廣 |
O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus |
2018-02-02-17:57:51 |
988 |
我靈鎮靜 |
Be Still, My Soul |
2018-02-25-22:35:37 |
989 |
The Church's One Foundation
2018-03-26-02:33:44 |
990 |
我愛頌揚主福音 |
2018-04-24-23:09:18 |
991 |
歡唱直到萬代 |
Ever In Joyful Song |
2018-05-01-01:40:45 |
992 |
Hymn of Prayer
2022-12-28-12:15:46 |